Given a breadth of work and a tendency to travel with the seasons my studio presence varies. Pemaquid Maine is where it all started a space that affords me the environment to bring to life the ideas sourced from my adventures. It is part of a picturesque summer residence built by my grandfather in 1922 and in close proximity to living space gives me no excuses to leave things be too long. A good deal of thinking, ideation, product development, photo editing and collaging takes place here often in the wee hours accompanied by vinyl recordings played rather loud of early 70’s era Stones albums, some still scratched from adolescent days. When in season tomato sandwiches are served to visiting guests as well as a healthy dose of humor.
When not in Maine I am fortunate to work with like minded souls in art and design studios in New York City and Thomasville GA. Migrating south or north I will layover for a stint in NYC, attending to the latest RARE designs in a Garment District workshop or shoot collage with my collaborator Matt in his Bushwick, Brooklyn studio. Winters and Spring in Thomasville find me fussing over the RARE Ottoman Collection and immersing myself in the latest Ireland Lamb Project commission. We might chase a few birds behind dogs in between.
It’s a wonderful life.